2018 Primary Election Voter Guide

Libertarian Party of San Mateo county has endorsed the following choices on your June 5th, 2018 California primary ballot. If you are voting by mail, please check your mailbox for a ballot in coming weeks! We endorse libertarian and independent politicians dedicated to the cause of liberty as well as ballot measures that reduce government burden and increase freedom of San Mateo County residents. 

Election Info





Nicholas Wildstar

Zoltan Istvan

Leutenant Governor

Tim Ferreira

Secretary of State

Gail K. Lightfoot

United States Senator

Derrick Michael Raid

California State Assembly District 24

Bob Goodwyn

In a hurry?

We recommend a YES vote on Proposition 72 that will avoid taxing property owners for capturing rainwater on their own land. Vote NO on other state propositions and all local bond measures.

See Ballot Measure Details.

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