Constitution of Libertarian Party of San Mateo County

Adopted October 15, 1997 and amended November 19, 1997, December 17, 1997, and July 17, 2003
Secretary's Certifying PGP Signature


Article I — Name


The name of this organization shall be the "Libertarian Party of San Mateo County," hereinafter referred to as the "Party."

Article II — Purpose


The primary purpose of the Party is to proclaim and implement the Statement of Principles of the national Libertarian Party by engaging in political and information activities within the county of San Mateo in the State of California.

Article III — Central Committee


The county central committee (hereinafter referred to as "central committee") shall consist of those individuals who qualify as a member of central committees under the bylaws of the Libertarian Party of California (hereinafter referred to as LPC), who live in San Mateo County or choose to affiliate with the San Mateo County region in accordance with the Bylaws of the LPC, and who are not members of any other county central committee.

Article IV — Officers


Section 1. Description


The officers of the Party shall be a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and the chair of each Operations Committee. All of these officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the central committee and shall take office immediately upon the close of such meeting and serve thereafter until the final adjournment of the next Annual Meeting.

Section 2. Vacancies


Vacancies may be filled by a vote of the central committee at any meeting, provided that notice appeared in the newsletter announcing the meeting.

The Executive Committee may provisionally appoint new officers if vacancies or suspensions occur, to serve until the next meeting of the central committee.

Article V — Executive Committee


The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the control and management of all of the affairs, properties, and funds of the Party consistent with this Constitution, its Bylaws, and any Resolutions which may be adopted at central committee meetings.

The Executive Committee of the Party shall be composed of the following:

  1. The elected officers of the Party.
  2. The chair of each Working Committee who is approved at a meeting of the central committee.
  3. The Party's representatives (if any) to the Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of California.

Each Executive Committee member shall take office immediately upon his or her selection and serve thereafter until the selection of his or her replacement or until his or her position is vacated.

Article VI — Judicial Committee


The Judicial committee shall be composed of 3 central committee members elected at the Annual Meeting. The Judicial Committee shall take office immediately upon the close of the Annual Meeting and serve thereafter until the election of new Committee members. The Judicial Committee shall be the final body of appeal within the Party in all matters regarding interpretation of the Constitution, Bylaws, Rules, or Resolutions of the Party, subject to the provision that a decision of the Committee may be overturned by a three-fourths vote of any central committee meeting.

Article VII — Meetings


Section 1. Annual Meeting


The central committee shall hold a meeting each year at a time and place set according to the Bylaws, to hold Party elections, nominate candidates, and conduct such other business as may come before it. This meeting shall be called the Annual Meeting of the central committee.

Section 2. Regular Meetings


The Executive Committee shall call other meetings of the central committee as required to conduct the business of the Party.

Section 3. Meeting Rules


The conduct of central committee meetings shall be governed by such Rules as may be adopted or amended at any central committee meeting.

Article VIII — Bylaws


The Bylaws are subordinate to this Constitution.

Article IX — Amendments


This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any meeting of the central committee provided that the amendment was proposed at the previous meeting, and notification of the proposed amendment accompanied the notice for the meeting at which the amendment will be considered.

Article X — Conflicting Authority


Section 1.


In the event of any conflict between the Constitution, Bylaws, and Meeting Rules and the State Party Bylaws, the State Party Bylaws shall govern the Party and its affairs.

Section 2.


In the event of any conflict between the Constitution, Bylaws, and Meeting Rules and the California Election Code, the Federal Election Code, or any other law or regulation, these Bylaws shall govern the Party and its affairs.

Section 3.


In the event that any authority should declare any portion of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Meeting Rules void or invalid, the remainder shall remain in full force and effect.

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